Cinderella Shoes

I have discovered a really great benefit to losing weight in addition to the obvious joy that you feel when you lose the weight. I would not have believed it myself if I had not found numerous accounts regarding it or experienced this reality firsthand. With losing weight I have experienced a decrease in my shoe size. I am thrilled, to say the least. It has opened up a whole, new shopping experience for me in a whole other area besides new clothes. Not one of those petite girls I have always wanted smaller feet. They are not like Cinderella’s … Continue reading

An iPod Video Projector?

An iPod projector? This week I found an ad for an iPod video projector. The basic idea of the projector, is that you connectyour video enabled iPod into this huge projector, and you can then project your video onto the wall behind you. I have to say, this makes absolutely no sense to me. I can’t for the life of me understand why you would purchase a large device to then plug your small video playing device into to play. I understand the idea of maybe plugging your video enabled iPod into your television and watching your video, although I … Continue reading