Gluten-Free Resources : Blogs

It is not unusual for people who have to eat gluten-free to feel very alone in this world. Very few restaurants serve food in a way that is safe for us to eat. You might not know anyone else who has to avoid gluten. In reality, you are not alone! There are some excellent gluten-free blogs to explore. There are days when I feel as though there is nothing in this world that is safe for me to eat. It is easy to feel quite alone as you look over a menu at a new restaurant, only to discover that … Continue reading

A Dream, Some Hope, and a Laptop

As I reflect on my first year in business as a writer, the biggest thing that comes to mind is how much I still love it. This is not uncommon; in fact it often happens when a person leaves the world of traditional work and starts a business doing something that they love. When I started my writing business I knew that I would enjoy working as a writer, but I did not realize that I would come to enjoy it more and more as I went along. In the year that I have been working as a writer, I … Continue reading

Are You Shortening Your Laptop Battery’s Life?

One of the concerns that plague laptop owners is whether or not they should make an effort to run down their laptop computer battery to nothing before charging it back up again. Sometimes this just isn’t convenient, such as when you shut down your laptop at night and it only has 15 minutes of battery time left. That 15 minutes is certainly not enough to get your through the next day, but if you plus the laptop in to charge it, are you shortening your battery life? The brief answer is probably not, although there are some considerations to make. … Continue reading

Who Is Your Computing Blogger?

Who is that masked woman behind the screen? It is just humble (sic) old me, so humble I forgot to introduce myself! I have been having a lot of fun here in the computing blog since the 23rd of April. Normally, you will find me over in the Frugal Living Blog or any forum that has to do with saving money. But, truth be told, I’ve been a big computer geek for many years. So, when an opportunity came up to fill in for a bit here in the Computing Blog, I just jumped at the chance. Y’see, I have … Continue reading

Why I Love My Laptop

Are laptops absolutely necessary? Probably not, unless you are me. When I received a laptop a couple of years ago, my whole world changed. I became less stressed, grew three inches taller, lost 20 pounds and developed sparkling white teeth. Well, maybe not, but I did grow less stressed. Getting a laptop is a definite choice to be made. Laptops are generally more expensive than desktops and may have some limitations in terms of power and capabilities. They also tend to become appendages, never far from their owner. I know one full time employee of the corporate world who got … Continue reading

Laptop vs. Desktop

Do you have a laptop or a desktop computer? I recently purchased a laptop computer which I absolutely love. Before I bought my previous computer I was forced with the decision “Laptop or Desktop?” I love the portability of laptops, but at the time I decided the slightly less expensive desktop computer was a better choice. Desktops are easier to upgrade, have larger hard drives and are a little more difficult to steal. At the time I made my purchase I lived in a college dorm and was concerned about the possibility of my roommate leaving our door unlocked one … Continue reading

A Laptop for a Ten Year Old?

I teach after school at a local elementary school in my area. This week was the children’s first week back after Christmas break, and yesterday afternoon by class started to tell me about all of the Christmas presents they received. Once child had gotten a special Barbie they wanted, another a keyboard although she assured me her real instrument is the drums. Going around the circle everyone had received typical elementary school gifts. When we got to the last child in the room however, he matter of factly told everyone he received a laptop for Christmas. A laptop? Really? I … Continue reading

Free E-books! Project Gutenberg and Baen Books!

It’s a paperless society they tell us! Everything is going to be electronic! And it’s with that philosophy we find ourselves in a world with E-books. E-books are very simply just an electronic version in various formats of an existing book or text. One of the benefits we receive with this format is portability. I can carry one or two paper-backs with me pretty easily, but with a PDA I could have 20 with me. Another helpful feature would be the ability to do an electronic search for certain phrases or passages. Writing a report or helping your kids with … Continue reading

Black Friday Moves to Labor Day

And next year it’s moving to April Fools’ Day. No joke. Well, maybe. But, very few parents are laughing. News that several major retailers are planning to move the start of the Christmas shopping season to Thanksgiving evening rather than wait until Friday morning is no laughing matter for millions of parents who are employed by the likes of Sears, Wal-Mart, Target, and Kmart. Those working moms and dads were the same ones who initiated a public outcry last year when their employers opened at midnight on Thanksgiving. You know, the holiday that is traditionally set aside for families to … Continue reading

Insurance Podcast Roundup – Week of June 25, 2012

It is time, once again, for the weekly Insurance Podcast Roundup. This is where to find brand new episodes of podcasts that discuss issues related to insurance. It is a good way to keep informed about the changes to insurance that could affect the policies that protect your family. NPR released an episode of “Weekend Edition Sunday” on June 24, 2012. This episode is called “Countdown To The Supreme Court’s Ruling On Health Care”. This episode points out that the Supreme Court is very likely to issue its decision about the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act soon. It discusses … Continue reading