New Monitors Will Eliminate Dangerous Chemicals

In an open letter to its customers, shareholders and general public, Apple shared its plans for being more environmentally responsible. One of the points in that letter was the announcement that the company will be transitioning all of its computer monitors to LCDs (light-emitting diodes). Currently, the monitors that Apple mainly produces are of the LCD (liquid crystal display) type, an industry standard. These types of monitors contain two major toxic chemicals, Arsenic and Mercury. Apple isn’t alone in manufacturing monitors with these chemicals, they are used as standard components for most computer monitors. Arsenic is added to the glass … Continue reading

Amazon Get’s Answers!

Just when you thought sold everything, they’ve started carrying something completely different…answers. Askville is Amazons newest invention, a place where people can ask questions and get answers. When I logged into the site today there were a wide range of questions from the simple “What is your favorite coffee drink” to the more complex “Are the neurons in our heads subject to laws of physics and behave in an measurable way like pool balls-or can we think?” The site is filled with all types of questions most of which are the type of thing you would ask a friend … Continue reading

Do You Download Movies?

Movies and television shows have started to become more and more available to download and watch on our computers. How many of you actually download movies? I have actually been pretty reluctant to jump on the movie download wagon. There is a RedBox at the store around the corer where I can rent movies for $1 a day, so the convenience of downloading a movie rather than renting it is pretty nominal for me. In fact, even at the typical $2 download fee I would be spending double the amount to download a movie rather than actually rent it. Last … Continue reading