Electronic Resume Tips

These days, the electronic resume is the way to go. Most employers don’t want to see a nicely typed or printed resume on paper. Instead, most resumes are now filtered through electronic systems that are the first line of filling a job position. These electronic systems sort electronic resumes, ranking them and discarding those that are inappropriate to the job title all before a human actually looks at the resumes. Job listing sites, such as Monster.com and Careerbuilder.com have been making use of electronic resumes for years, but now electronic resumes are being requested all across the board from head … Continue reading

Writing An Objective Statement On Your Resume

One of the most important parts of writing an effective resume is the objective statement. Simply listing your experience, doesn’t let your potential future employer know what your long term goals are. It also doesn’t let your employer know what type of position you’re looking for. Remember that when writing a resume first impressions count, and your objective statement is your first impression of your resume. An Objective Statement Should. . . * state what position you’re applying for * briefly summarize your main qualifications * use the company’s language when referring to the position and qualifications An Objective Statement … Continue reading

More Tips On Job Targets

Oscar Wilde once said, “The only difference between caprice and a life-long passion is that caprice lasts a little bit longer.” Don’t feel that way about your search for the perfect job. It’s out they’re, buried under apprehensions, misgivings, misguided intentions and undeveloped goals and aspirations. How can you establish the job targets most helpful to you in your job search? Why are they so elusive? Read on for some thoughts by a non-authority on a most difficult subject. Many people will often say that they don’t care what industry they end up working in, but when they really think … Continue reading

Calling All Motivated Teens And College Students

The world of entrepreneurship is not restricted to adult-only access. In fact, if you are an entrepreneur, your teenager or college student may be inspired by what you have accomplished and may want to start his or her own business as an alternative to finding a summer job working for someone else. Even if you are not an entrepreneur yourself, your teenager or college student may be motivated to start his or her own business. Here are a few tips and ideas to help them along. If you are looking into starting your own business as an alternative to working … Continue reading

Computing Week in Review: May 5th Through May 11th

May 5th Computing Week in Review: April 28th Through May 4th Have you heard of Sniplits? Our guest blogger, Courtney brings us information all about this interesting website. Other stories this past week include one on the video game that will teach you how to drive and having the pseudo cell phone. May 6th Robotic Animals Decode Animal “Talk” and Behavior One of the latest bits of information about technology and science concerns robotic animals that are being used to help decode animal “talk” and animal behavior. Scientists are building all sorts of robotic animals from squirrels to slugs and … Continue reading

Strategies In Dealing with the Interactive Marketplace

The interactive marketplace that comprises the vast cosmos of the Internet is a very fluid place to be, and while it may present the perfect opportunity for you to forge a name for yourself across a vast frontier, you better learn to swim fast! Learn to use the skills you have to tackle new projects, and consider some of the following tips for landing a job in this dynamic industry. Networking is the most effective way for a job seeker to get their feet in the door so to speak. Presenting yourself as part of an industry when you aren’t, … Continue reading

Researching Job Targets: Where to Begin?

You may wonder why research is so important for this process of establishing job targets to work. Research can help you decide which field to go into and is a solid way to develop a list of “target companies.” Research will also improve your networking and interviewing skills as well as increase your level of confidence in interviews. Knowledge about a company you are interested in makes you look more like an insider moving up rather than an outsider pressing to get in, which is an important psychological advantage. Research may also give you just that extra edge over your … Continue reading