The Grooming Process of a Child Sexual Predator.

Grooming is a process of desensitization that predators use on children to prepare and trick them into accepting sexual abuse. Once the predator has gained the child’s trust and confidence, they use everyday behaviours, like telling an inappropriate joke, a touch on the upper arm that lingers a little too long or a kiss on the lips to test whether your child is likely to tell on them. If the perpetrator is satisfied that your child won’t tell, the predator moves onto other forms of bad touching. If the child still doesn’t tell, then the abuse continues along the continuum … Continue reading

Teaching Teenagers About The Danger Of Internet Predators

It is summer and the average teenager is online 5.5 hours a day, with about 77 million on-line each day. Most are visiting one of the 40,000 chat rooms where according to a 2002 FBI report there is a 100% chance they will encounter a pedophile at some time. What is the danger with chat rooms? The Safe Surfin Foundation says that the danger is that “75% of children and teens report sharing personal information about them and their families to complete strangers in chat rooms.” Child predators use the tidbits of information that they glean from on-line chat rooms … Continue reading

Protecting Your Child From Pornography

Since pornography is so prevalent on the web it is likely that your child will run into it some time. As a parent you need to establish some guidelines and rules for Internet use to help safeguard your child. Become Internet Savvy Become familiar with the Internet and how pornography can reach your child. Spend time with your kids as they surf on-line. Find out what web content, sites, and chat rooms they visit. Among other things, Nicole Allard, safety writer suggests installing a spy-cam. Learn about programs that promote Internet safety and install filtering and monitoring software. Adam … Continue reading

How Does Pornography Reach Our Children?

Pornography is a billion dollar business with about 62% of users on the Internet at any given time accessing pornographic sites, that’s about 70 million people a week. According to the Nielsen/Net Ratings in 2002 nearly 16 percent of visitors to adult pornographic websites are under age 18. Adam West, a computer writer lists statistics about internet child predators in his blog. With so much pornographic material out there it is likely that your children will view some at some point. So how does pornography reach our kids? There are a number of ways that our children can be … Continue reading

Reporting online child predators – The CyberTipline

Plenty of adults do not know where or how to report incidents involving child predators or child sexual exploitation. Often, if parents or teachers find out about children who have been sexually solicited or targeted, they do not report the incidents. When adults do report incidents, often they stop short of filing reports with local law enforcement or a national child protection agency. Luckily, there are numerous resources for reporting sex crimes involving children. One of which I want to introduce is the CyberTipline. If you missed an earlier blog about the epidemic of online child sex crimes, you can … Continue reading

The epidemic of online child sexual crimes

The issue of keeping children safe from online child predators has steadily increased over the past few years. From newspapers (e.g., New York Times) to news journal shows (e.g., Dateline NBC) to popular daytime shows (e.g., Oprah), the topic has been discussed. I am amazed, however, at the number of parents, teachers, and adults who still think that the epidemic of online predators is not really an important issue. Yes, that’s right. I call it an epidemic. Thousands of children each year worldwide are solicited and even abducted as a result of participating in unmonitored online activities. It’s time for … Continue reading

Kids and the Internet

Do you know what your kids are doing online? Our kids are exposed to so much more than we were at the same age, it’s important to be aware of what they are doing and who they are talking to. As a single mom I’m always short on time, finding time to check up on Hailey online was hard, but it was necessary. On Facebook I see so many young girls posting pictures of themselves that would make their parents furious, if their parents were aware. You have to be aware. It is so easy for online predators to target … Continue reading

President Barack Obama’s Address to Students is No Biggie

This is one of those under a rock situations where you had to be practically brain dead to not be aware of the uproar over The President’s planned address to students scheduled for Tuesday September 8. After reading the full transcript for the planned speech, it is clear to me that it’s really no big deal. While there is a chance that he won’t read the pre-written speech verbatim, I can’t find anything that a reasonable parent would object to. In short, the president talks about some students may be reluctant to go to school and tells about when his … Continue reading

Teaching Modesty: Creating a “Private Zone”

All children are vulnerable to predators—people who might want to take advantage of their innocence. Children on the autism spectrum and those with developmental delays are obviously even more at risk because of their inability to understand what behaviors are appropriate and inappropriate. An adult or older child might confuse a special needs child with terms that seem harmless like “friendship” or “hugs” or “secret.” And even if our children are never put in a dangerous situation, they could inadvertently embarrass themselves by exposing or talking about their private parts at improper times and places. Especially as our children approach … Continue reading