Quickly Becoming Obsolete – Part 1

Not too long ago, I blogged about companies that are no longer in business. But, what about things that are still currently around, but are slowly becoming obsolete in today’s society? I found a list of things on AOL that may be going away sooner than you think! Movie Rental Stores I remember when video rental first came out. It seemed like everyone opened his or her own movie rental store. Then, Blockbuster and Hollywood came along and put most of the mom and pop places out of business. Now it seems like mail order places such as Netflix will … Continue reading

Computing Review: November 12th Through November 18th

Gearing up for the holidays? We are too. Just because we are talking about technology, doesn’t mean we can’t bring you all of the great holiday-related technology and stories. In the next few weeks, look for some of the must-have gift gadgets. But for now, enjoy this last week in review. There are a couple of holiday surprises to read. November 12th Computing Review: November 5th Through November 11th Have you heard of GodTube or Conservapedia? These are Christian-theme websites that are quickly gaining in popularity. You’ll want to check out the article that tells you all about them. Also, … Continue reading

Netflix Offers $1 Million Prize

What happens when the number one DVD rental company isn’t happy with being twice as popular? The company decides to sponsor a contest for improvment. The movie rental virtual store Netflk uses a complicated system of algorithms and other software coding to offer recommendations of new movies to its customers, based on preferences and what those customers have rented in the past. But Netfliks wants to gain even more market share by improving upon that system, and the DVD giant is offering a $1 million prize to anyone who could improve upon that system by at least 10 percent. Thousands … Continue reading