Online Help Sought to Aid Astronomers

Have you ever wanted to explore the furthest reaches of space? Whether you are an amateur astronomer or just a dedicated Star Trek fan, you too can have the opportunity to make a contribution and bring knowledge of the galaxies back to people on Earth. This is because scientists are asking volunteers to go online and help them classify galaxies in a sort of galaxy census. The scientist say that this information would help provide new insight into the structure of the Universe. Volunteers would go online and sift through digital images of the galaxies that were taken by a … Continue reading

Learn About The Official U.S. Time

There are certain times when knowing the time, the accurate time is pretty important. Take today for example. Today was my eldest son’s first day of first grade. The bus wasn’t quite on time picking up or dropping off, but I had peace of mind knowing that we couldn’t have missed it, since my watch was set to the official U.S. time, accurate to within .02 seconds. Of course, I had no way of knowing what the bus driver’s time was set to… I often use the official U.S. Time website whenever I want to make sure that I have … Continue reading

Computing Review: July 7th Through July 13th

Well, it looks like the rush of iPhone news has died down a bit. We have had a great week talking about all sorts of things. Video games have been on the radar a lot. The three major companies that produce the video game console, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony are all gearing up to be ready for the upcoming holiday season. Yes, I know it is only July, but in the retail world, everyone is already thinking about Christmas. Why not catch up on the articles you might have missed? And there is no harm in rereading an article that … Continue reading