Free Valentine’s Day Apps for iPhone

One way to get into the spirit of a holiday is to play around with an app that was designed with that holiday in mind. There are plenty of Valentine’s Day apps out there for people who use iPhones. Many of them are free to download and use! Here are a few of the free Valentine’s Day apps that are new this year. Insta Love Frames is a free app that is compatible with iPhone and iPad. It is optimized for iPhone 5. It was updated on January 19, 2013. The app contains 30 different frames, and some special effects. … Continue reading

Time to Review Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

Did you get something big and expensive this Christmas? That new item is probably not specifically covered by your Homeowners insurance policy. Start off the new year by visiting with your insurance agent, and making sure that all the goodies that Santa brought you are covered. A good time to sit down with your insurance agent to review your homeowners policy is right now. Christmas is over, and you will want to make sure that the new, expensive, items that Santa brought you and your family will be covered by your policy. This is especially true if you got new … Continue reading

Free Halloween Apps for iPhone and iPad

Need some help getting into the Halloween spirit? Try some of these free Halloween apps for iPhone and iPad. I found some really cute and kid-friendly Halloween apps, and a couple that might be too scary for little kids to play with. They are not quite the same as the free Halloween apps for Android that I found for yesterday’s blog. Carve-a-Pumpkin is a free app from Parents Magazine. (It is created by Resolute Digital, LLC). This kid-friendly app is compatible with both iPhone and iPad. The app shows you an image of an pumpkin, and you use your finger … Continue reading

Does Budgeting Actually Cost You More Money?

Do you have a budget? Everyone says it is the best way to take control of your spending. Once you have spent your allotted amount for food, or gas, you’re done. Unfortunately it doesn’t always work like that. I read a study recently that said that people who have a budget can spend as much as 50% more than they were planning. This is said to be because budgeting starts in your mind. You are thinking constantly about what you can and cannot spend and that is what causes you to spend more. Many people who say they have a … Continue reading

Should You Buy Apple Products?

No, you have not accidentally stumbled upon an Electronics blog. This is still the Green Living blog. So, why am I talking about iPhones, iPads, and iPods? Because if you own an Apple product, you may be unintentionally supporting slavery. Last week, the New York Times ran an article about the abysmal working conditions of electronic manufacturing plants in China. While HP and Dell plants are included, the article focused mainly on Apple. Of course, any company expects its employees to be efficient and productive, but the Foxconn plants, from what I have read, employs modern slavery to please Apple’s … Continue reading

iPhone Apps for Home Based Professionals

As I eagerly await the as of yet undetermined day later this month when I will finally be getting an iPhone, I keep thinking of all of the things that I will want to do with it. Since I own and operate a couple of small home-based businesses, I decided to check out iPhone apps that are useful for people like me who work from home. Smartphones like the iPhone and Android are fast becoming important business tools for small and home-based businesses not just because of their portability, but because the ever-increasing number of apps for these devices enables … Continue reading

Budgeting Apps for iPhone

It is that time again already, that time that comes around once every two years when my husband and I get to reevaluate the status of our cell phone plan and choose new phones. Of course, it is an exciting time but it is not all that exciting because it involves spending money. It is money that we must spend though because we have chosen to forego a land line and have just cell phones. We also do not have many options where we live for internet access – we could get it if we pay for a land line … Continue reading

Mobile Credit Card Processing – Is It Right For Your Business?

Getting paid. It is at the forefront of every home-based professional’s mind at least one or more times each day, in the form of thoughts like “When is client x going to pay that invoice”, “I have to make time to get to the bank to deposit these checks”, and “Why aren’t there credit card processing systems that are geared towards the needs of home-based professionals like me”. Fortunately, although I cannot tell you when client x is going to pay (hopefully soon) or run to the bank for you, I can tell you about recent innovations in credit card … Continue reading

AT&T to Offer Standard Insurance for iPhone

AT&T will begin offering their standard phone insurance plans to people who are using iPhones in just a few weeks. This opens up some options for iPhone users who choose to purchase insurance for their phones. There is some debate about whether or not it is worthwhile for people to purchase any kind of insurance for their iPhones, considering what Apple offers. Starting on July 17, 2011, AT&T will be allowing iPhone users to sign up for their standard mobile insurance plan. This is the first time that AT&T has opened up this type of insurance for people who were … Continue reading

Smartphone Apps To Help You Manage Your Money

If you have a smartphone such as an iPhone or an Android, chances are you are familiar with the world of apps. There seems to be an app for everything these days, from entertaining babies to knowing how close the nearest Dunkin’ Donuts is. You already use your smartphone and its army of apps for many things – have you thought about using it as a tool that can help you manage your money? There are many apps out there that you can use to help you with your finances. I decided to check some of them out. Anyone who … Continue reading