What Is High Intensity Interval Training?

Have you heard of high intensity interval training? This isn’t for the faint of heart and I will be the first to admit I am no where near the ability to attempt this. My Wii Fit recently informed me that while my Wii Fit age has gone down, it is still higher than my actual age…so there is more work to be done. At any rate, high intensity interval training can help you burn more calories and lose more fat in a shorter amount of time. I think the key word is found in “intensity,” as this truly is an … Continue reading

The Connection Between Sleep, Exercise, and Mental Health

I know my mental health has had its ups and downs, as I’m sure yours has too. So what do we do when we’re not at our best emotionally? When my mental self is not at its healthiest, most often I’m lacking in some basic areas, such as sleep and exercise. For me, these two things have a direct impact on my mental health. First, if I go for extended periods without enough sleep, I will soon be grouchy, agitated, and angry at the world. I tend to snap on people for no reason and have limited impulse control. But … Continue reading

The Basics of Yoga

Yoga encompasses more than just exercise. It incorporates other principles including relaxation, breathing and nutrition. For some, yoga also includes meditation or positive thinking. Personally for me, I find that in my Christian faith. However others find that it can make a positive difference in their life. Of course, you can’t have yoga without the exercise. To me that is the most important aspect of yoga. It has definitely helped me to improve my posture, gain flexibility and tone muscles. The exercise portion of yoga also helps to give your body more energy and strength, which is why I prefer … Continue reading

Body Gospel: Faith and Fitness

Are you familiar with Power 90? Power 90, made by Beach Body, is a 90 day work out program designed get you in awesome shape in a short amount of time in the comfort of your own home. If you have no time to go to the gym or no desire, Beach Body provided a way to get into great shape that’s just between you and your DVD player. Quite some time ago, I owned Power 90. I loved the program and it truly did help me get into shape. At the time I was working out at a gym … Continue reading

How many bags of flour do you need to lose?

Before I knew it, I gained a great bit of weight. I remember being discouraged at the prospect of losing fifteen pounds. After being underweight, then working out and getting into shape, it was a hard adjustment to have a baby and find myself fifteen pounds overweight. At time went on and I worked out less consistently and had three more kids, I continued to gain weight. A variety of factors played into my weight gain such as not watching what I eat, not working out, and my metabolism slowing down due to age and having babies. So, here I … Continue reading

We Can Get Fit with Wii: Part 1

Have you seen the latest accessory kit for the Wii? Everyone’s favorite reality show, The Biggest Loser, has a new way for you to join in the mission to lose weight and get healthy. To enhance the Biggest Loser Wii video game, you can now purchase the Biggest Loser Wii Ultimate Fitness Kit. This is a fun way to get into shape or keep in shape. Now you know every year you promise yourself that you will lose weight, right? Well, for the past few years I know I have made that promise. Soon after that resolution, life gets in … Continue reading

Fitness Magazine/Fitness Website Review

Fitness magazine is one of the top-selling fitness magazines. One of my favorite magazines it has all kinds of good information in it for anyone wanting to stay in shape. Topics include subject areas, such as weight loss, health, recipes that are good for you, beauty and working out. It is a good read and I have picked up so many tips on staying fit. I cannot say as one section of the magazine was better than the other, as they are all fantastic and helpful for those wanting to shed some extra pounds. A one-year subscription is reasonable and … Continue reading

Ways to Work Out for Free

I’m in my third week of having a workout plan. It has been a great gift to myself because I have less stress, less headaches and more energy. And one of the best things about it is that other than having to purchase a couple of extra jog bras, I have spent zero dollars. Here is how. First, I take advantage of the weather and my local environment. Write outside my door is a neighborhood road that goes up and down hills. It is the perfect vehicle for interval training because there are periods of intensity and rest. Furthermore, I … Continue reading

The Wii and Preschoolers

It may surprise you to know that I let my preschooler play video games. In fact, she is pretty good at them. Here is why we have made the Wii available to our four-year-old. When the Wii video game system came out, we thought the craziness surrounding it was completely ridiculous. Why would people practically kill each other trying to be one of the first ones to plunk down a lot of money for a Wii system and then even more money on the games themselves? Well, after much of the hoopla died down (and several friends of ours had … Continue reading

Getting Fit Frugally

Now is a great time to make a commitment to fitness. While some people spend hundreds on gym memberships and thousands on equipment, you don’t have to do so. Here are my favorite ways to get fit for free or for very little cost. You can find all sort of exercise videos available at the library. Most libraries offer them free for up to three weeks with the ability to renew. Try different workouts all for nothing in the comfort of your home. Speaking of home, explore your own backyard or neighborhood. Go walking, running, hiking or hill climbing, depending … Continue reading